Despite several prior training revealing an association anywhere between blood pressure level and you may the brand new urinary Na + /K + proportion you will find some restrictions to be sensed
At present there is conflicting evidence regarding the potential blood pressure lowering effects of a reduction in urinary Na + /K + excretion. The TAIM randomized control trial in hypertensive participants on a pharmacological intervention reported no significant difference in DBP between the control diet group and a low Na + /high K + diet group during a six month period . A multicenter study by Suppa et al. conducted in hypertensive participants reported a significant reduction in SBP following 4 weeks of modified low sodium high potassium salt intake compared to participants receiving a normal salt intake , yet all participants were receiving a beta blocker, which is not standard first line treatment for hypertension . In addition, a cross-sectional study, the Dallas heart study, which reported an increase in SBP for an increase in the urinary Na + /K + ratio is limited by the modest correlation the use of single morning urine sample . Læs videre “This means that enough time-term reductions regarding the urinary proportion do not down blood pressure levels”