Tuition and fees are due and payable by the payment due date (see Payment of Tuition, Fees, Room and Board.) All costs are subject to change without notice.
Matriculated graduate students pay the graduate student rate regardless of the level of the course(s) taken. Non-degree status (non-matriculated) students with a baccalaureate degree who are:
- taking 11 or fewer credits of undergraduate courses, will be charged the appropriate undergraduate rate; or
- taking 11 or fewer credits of graduate courses, will be charged the appropriate graduate rate; or
- taking 12 or more credits of either undergraduate or graduate or both types of courses, will be charged the appropriate undergraduate rate for the undergraduate courses, and the appropriate graduate rate for the graduate courses, with a minimum of $2,175 and a maximum of $3,450 per semester for New York state resident students, and a minimum of $5,305 and a maximum of $5,460 per semester for non-resident students.
For billing purposes, certification graduate students are those non-degree status (non-matriculated) students who are seeking New York state teacher certification, but who are not enrolled in a master’s degree program. This designation includes:
- persons who have completed baccalaureate degrees and wish to complete the additional course work required for provisional or initial teacher certification; and
- persons who hold teaching certificates and wish to complete the requirements for certification in additional areas/levels of teaching.
Provisional or initial certification graduate students pay according to the level of the course. Permanent or professional certification graduate students pay the graduate student rate regardless of the level of course(s) taken. Læs videre “OUT-OF-STATE RESIDENTS ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR NEW YORK STATE TUITION RATES”